Start practicing the Samfunnskunnskapsprøven today
Everything you need to pass the Test in Social Studies with the syllabus from 2024. You practice with questions similar to the Social Studies test. Free demo. In the test, you will answer various questions about, among other things, Norwegian culture, geography, politics, health system, and history. Learn the syllabus with us.
Free exampleMore than 4 000+ satisfied students!
"Takk skal du ha. Det hjalp meg mye."
"Litt dyrt for 10 dagers adgang, men testen er bestått.
Innholdet er relevant, og jeg fikk de spørsmålene som var i portalen på selve prøven."
"Bra hjelpemiddel "
Test yourself before the Test in Social Studies
- Questions from the Test in Social Studies
- Norwegian Bokmål, Nynorsk, English, French, Russian, Spanish, and Ukrainian
- Live chat with Norwegian teachers along the way
- Explanations, pictures, and illustrations
- Follow your progress and see what you need to practice more
Religion and beliefs
New in Norway
The right to a free and independent life
Leisure time
Human rights and democracy
Health and public services
We have divided our tasks into categories, so that you can practice what you find difficult: School and education, Working life, Health, New in Norway, Geography, and much more. Then you can practice purposefully and see the results faster.
# | Resultat | Teoriprøve | Rette | Tid |
26 | Bestått | Full test | 93 % | 04:56 |
25 | Bestått | Full test | 87 % | 27:43 |
24 | Bestått | Quick test | 86 % | 02:14 |
23 | Bestått | Quick test | 80 % | 30:39 |
22 | Bestått | Full test | 95 % | 30:24 |
21 | Bestått | Full test | 85 % | 26:20 |
20 | Bestått | Quick test | 84 % | 06:37 |
19 | Bestått | Full test | 89 % | 39:18 |
18 | Bestått | Full test | 95 % | 30:15 |
17 | Bestått | Full test | 92 % | 04:37 |
Test yourself
Our simulator is very popular. There you get the questions just like on the real Social Studies test. You will find out whether you will pass the Test in Social Studies.
- 38 questions
- At least 29 correct answers
- 60 minutes
- Find out if you've passed immediately
- See what you should practice more
- Follow your progress
- Unlimited number of samples
17. mai
17. mai er Norges nasjonaldag. Mange land feirer sin nasjonaldag ved å ha store millitærparader. I Norge sier vi at nasjonaldagen er barnas dag. Derfor ser vi på barnetog, spiser pølser og is og har mange flagg og ballonger.

17. mai markerer datoen da grunnloven ble underskrevet på Eidsvoll i 1814. Norge ble endelig et selvstendig land! På 17. mai er de fleste butikkene stengt, og alle setter ut flagg på balkonger og i hager. Mange pynter også bilen sin med flagg, og tar på den tradisjonelle norske folkedrakten bunad. På mange skoler er det arrangementer og leker for barna. Musikkorps spiller i gatene. Man arrangerer barnetog med alle barn på barneskolene. Da går musikkorpset først, og så følger barna etter.
E-book with syllabus
In our e-book, you can read everything you need about Norwegian working life, school, family, culture, geography, politics, health system, and history to pass the exam. You can find the e-book online when you log in. You can read it on a tablet, PC, and phone.
We explain difficult words and expressions and give links to useful websites with more information.
- A complete syllabus with everything you need to know for the Test in Social Studies
- Read in Norwegian Bokmål or Nynorsk, English, French, Russian, Spanish or Ukrainian
- Pictures and illustrations
- Available online, so it is always up to date
- The texts are divided into chapters
- Only available here at

Help via chat and email
With us, you can ask questions about anything - we will help you as best we can. The most important thing for us is learning what you need to pass the Norwegian Test in Social Studies.
Wondering which test to take? Read about the differences between the Citizenship Test and the Test in Social Studies.