Start practicing the Norwegian Citizenship Test today
Everything you need to pass the Citizenship Test. You practice with tasks that are similar to the Citizenship Test. Free demo. In the test, you will answer various questions about, among other things, Norwegian culture, geography, politics, health system, and history. Learn the syllabus with us.
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"Det er veldig hjelpsom til meg siden jeg kommer på jobb hver dag og jeg har ikke tid å studere. Jeg føler meg som spiller på mobilen."
"veldig nyttig!"
"Jeg er veldig fornøyd med De fleste spørsmål som jeg fikk på prøver være like som har. "
Test yourself before the Citizenship test!
- Questions from the Citizens' Examination
- Norwegian Bokmål and Nynorsk
- Live chat with Norwegian teachers along the way
- Explanations, pictures, and illustrations
- Follow your progress and see what you need to practice more
Family and relationships
School and education
Religion and beliefs
Working life
This is Norway
Human rights and democracy
Health and public services
If you find Norwegian history, politics, or family life difficult, then there is no reason to practice everything else as well. That is why we have divided our tasks into categories. If you want just to practice Norwegian geography, you can do that. Or you can practice all the exercises at the same time.
It is up to you!
# | Resultat | Teoriprøve | Rette | Tid |
21 | Bestått | Quick test | 85 % | 08:42 |
20 | Bestått | Quick test | 85 % | 02:03 |
19 | Bestått | Full test | 95 % | 42:55 |
18 | Bestått | Quick test | 84 % | 32:08 |
17 | Bestått | Full test | 91 % | 05:37 |
16 | Bestått | Full test | 90 % | 11:22 |
15 | Bestått | Quick test | 89 % | 27:10 |
14 | Bestått | Full test | 87 % | 13:21 |
13 | Bestått | Full test | 81 % | 32:22 |
12 | Bestått | Quick test | 92 % | 40:00 |
Test yourself
Our exam simulator is very popular. There you get the questions just like on the real National Citizenship test. You will find out whether you will pass the citizenship test.
- 32 questions
- At least 24 correct answers
- 60 minutes
- Find out if you've passed immediately
- See what you should practice more
- Follow your progress
- Unlimited number of samples
Kongehuset er populært i Norge. Kongehuset består av kongen, familien hans og flere eiendommer. Kongen bor på Slottet i Oslo. For 70 år siden, da Norge var i krig med Tyskland, var kongen en viktig inspirasjon for mange nordmenn til å kjempe for Norge. Kongens valgspråk er "Alt for Norge".
Kongen i Norge heter Harald. Han er den femte kongen Norge har hatt som heter Harald, så han kalles Harald V (som er 5 med romertall). Kongen har ikke noe etternavn. Hvis han må bruke et etternavn, så bruker han Rex. Kongen er gift med dronningen. Hun heter Sonja. Kongen og dronningen har to barn: Kronprins Haakon Magnus og prinsesse Märtha Louise.
E-book with syllabus
You can find the e-book online when you log in. You can read it on a tablet, PC, and phone.
- A complete syllabus with everything you need to know for the Citizenship Test
- Read in Norwegian, Bokmål or Nynorsk
- Pictures and illustrations
- Available online, so it is always up to date
- The texts are divided into chapters
- Only available here at
Help via chat and email
With us, you can ask questions about anything - we will help you as best we can. The most important thing for us is learning what you need to pass the Norwegian Citizenship Test.
Wondering which test to take? Read about the differences between the Citizenship Test and the Test in Social Studies.
This is what you learn
Working life
Get acquainted with the organization of unions, rights, and duties.
School and education
Norwegian education is divided into different parts, with different rights and obligations. Get to know it through these exercises.
Family and relationships
Norwegian family traditions and family relationships you must know before you take the Social Studies Test.
Religion and beliefs
Freedom of religion is an important pillar in Norwegian society. Learn more about Christianity, Islam, and how to practice religion in Norway.
Health and public services
Here you get insight into how the health care system works, what rights you have, and how it is all financed.
This is Norway
Our Constitution Day, relations with neighboring countries, and important events in our history.
Our Constitution Day, relations with neighboring countries, and important events in our history.
Human rights and democracy
Tasks that deal with the constitution, parliament, and government, the king's role, and our freedom of choice.